Tuesday, April 14, 2009


For this part of the assignment, I called my little sister, who is 16 years old. I wanted to talk with her because I knew she had both a blog and a facebook account as well as an iPod touch, which essentially allows her to have the Internet in her pocket. More than anything, I told her of all the cautionary measures she should take so as not to be trapped by others' devious and deceptive schemes. I went on to explain that she should never give out her personal information, enter chat rooms, or physically meet someone she met online. I also reminded her that I loved her and that she could come to me if ever anyone were to bully her using any means of communication, technological or not. Fortunately, she reassured me that she never visits chat rooms and the like and does not make mean comments on others' facebook accounts. However, I was astonished when she informed me of some of the bullying that goes on via "wall-to-wall" comments on facebooks. Although this has not happened to her directly, she has noticed it on her other friends' facebook accounts. All in all, it was a positive conversation that, if anything, allowed me to remind her of my support and love for her. I was careful to refrain from giving her a lecture, because I knew she had refrained from participating in any unhealthy online habits. I mainly wanted to inform her so that she would not be ignorant and not have to learn of the consequences the hard way. I was grateful for the opportunity to speak with her concerning this particular topic and think that it benefitted us both.

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